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Volume 7 (1); March 15, 2018
Research Paper
An Investigation of Sentence Comprehension with Regard to Processing Mechanism of English Relative Clauses by EFL Learners.
Ghazanfari, M., Nasrollahi Shahri, N. and Motamedynia, M.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 7(1): 01-07, 2018; pii:S232251221800001-7
Sentence comprehension in EFL contexts is influenced by many factors. One of the most important ones is the processing mechanism of relative clauses which can be analyzed in different frameworks by researchers. So far, a wide range of research has been conducted on the processing mechanism of relative clauses in a number of languages. The results have shown a tendency toward two major categories which have been proven to be of significance, namely, subject preference and object preference. Studies conducted on native speakers of English, for instance, have demonstrated subject preference by the participants. In this study, the researchers conducted a self-paced reading experiment employing Linger software, and the data were analyzed using the SPSS software. The study has investigated the processing mechanism of English relative clauses by Iranian EFL learners. The participants were 27 male and 63 female advanced English learners majoring in English literature, all being native speakers of Farsi. The results indicate that Iranian EFL learners also show a tendency towards subject preference in processing relative clauses. Finally, the researchers have discussed the reasons behind such a tendency among the participants of the experiment in terms of a number of theories and principles. The findings of this study are expected to be employed in language syllabus designing as well as in grading or sequencing of materials by educators and materials developers.
Keywords: Relative Clauses, Processing Mechanisms, Comprehension Latency, Self-Paced Reading, EFL Contexts
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Research Paper
The Manuscript of Jurjani in Medical and Psychology.
Kamaladdini S.M.B. and Kamaladdini S.SH.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 7(1): 08-10, 2018; pii:S232251221800002-7
The manuscript, a work of Muhammad Ebn Mahmoud e Jurjani and comprehensive commentary on the book "Advie e ghalbie "Avicenna and the "Mofarrah alnafs "Abol Faraj al-Baghdadi, according to the author's credibility on the third page of this book. And also due to the fact that the captions on works great in the 8th century AH (14.M.) common, it can be said that the book also if the name implies a comprehensive, on all goods and toys the feeling and intellectual pleasures and protect the quality of spirit and soul and spiritual and sensual diversions through treatment is thanking. This research method is analytical and based on library resources.
Keywords: Manuscript, Jame O Lazzat, Mohammed Ebn Mahmoud Jurjani
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