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- Category: Vol. 5 : No. 2, Sep 2016
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Volume 5 (2); September 15, 2016
Research Paper
Critical Thinking and A-CALL among Iranian EFL Learners.
Khatami M.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 5(2): 22-25, 2016; pii:S232251221600004-5
This study examined the correlation between critical thinking and A-CALL among intermediate Iranian (EFL) Learners. A30 multiple-choice item questionnaire on the basis of critical thinking and 20- item Likert-scale questionnaire based on A-CALL were employed in this study. To fulfill the purpose of the study, 220 participants from among 250 university students majoring in English translation and TEFL were selected through administering a standardized Oxford Placement Test (OPT). Having applied the proficiency test, first the Critical Thinking Questionnaire bye Honey (2000) was administered, then the A-CALL scale questionnaire bye Jalali & Ardebili (2013) was carried out among the participants. The results showed that there was no correlation between critical thinking and A-CALL. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher made some recommendations for teaching, teacher training, materials development, and syllabus design.
Keywords: EFL Critical Thinking, CALL Learners
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Research Paper
The Destiny of Curriculum Theory in the Light of Postmodern Philosophy: A Case Study on Foucauldian Doctorins.
Koupal R.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud.,. 5(2): 26-32, 2016; pii:S232251221600005-5
This paper drawing upon the Rhizome concept as a botanical metaphor in theory of curriculum and its underpinning principles articulates the smooth rhizomatic space as the essence of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and discusses its applications in curriculum and education development. The rhizomatic environment looks at curriculum from a new perspective assuming curriculum as a symbolic and moving event. Implications of the Rhizome theory in curriculum development are examined as the main objectives of the study.
Keywords: Rhizome, Rhizomatic Space, Deleuze, Deleuzian Education, Collaboration, Smooth Space, Striated Space, Reteritorization.
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