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Volume 5 (1); March 25, 2016
Research Paper
Gender Differences in Anxiety and Speaking English as a Second language among Iranian English Major Students of Payame Noor University.
Amini Naghadeh Sh, Amini Naghadeh N, and Amini Naghadeh M.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 5(1): 01-07, 2016; pii:S232251221600001-5
Despite the fact that foreign language speaking anxiety is a common phenomenon in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Iran, this study aims to investigate anxiety of speaking English as a second language among Iranian male and female English major students of Payame Noor University. The study was conducted on a sample of 150 male and female English major students from Payame Noor University. This study attempts to identify potential sources of anxiety relevant to the students’ affective needs or concerns in Payame Noor University through the use of an in-depth qualitative questionnaire. As the pre- administered questionnaire findings indicate, the differences in the level of language anxiety exhibited by the participants seem to vary by gender. Using various studies by previous researchers of language anxiety as a theoretical guideline for data collection and analysis, this study also discusses some of the influences or impact of anxiety-provoking factors on second language learning, along with some implications for further research on language anxiety.
Key words; Anxiety, Speaking Anxiety, Second Language Learning
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Research Paper
Efficacy of Language Experience Approach on Reading Performance of Dyslexic Students.
Faramarzi S., Sadeghian A.R., and Yar Mohammadian A.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 5(1): 08-14, 2016; pii:S232251221600002-5
The aim of this research was investigating the efficacy of language experience approach on reading performance of dyslexic students in fourth grade elementary school in Esfahan. In order to administer this study, 30 students (boys) were selected via random cluster sampling method and assigned randomly to experimental and control groups (each group consists of 15 students). Reading and dyslexia test that its permanence and fluency was confirmed, is using to gather information, the data was analyzed by statistical method of MANCOVA and utilizing the SPSS software, and analyzed by Multivariate Covariance analysis of variance. Findings indicate that language experience approach can improve Reading performance of students with dyslexia. According to the findings, there is meaningful difference between two control and experimental groups on reading performance (P<0.001). Thus, this difference is showing that language experience approach influences improving reading performance of dyslexic students and this approach can be used to enhance reading skill of students.
Keywords: Language Experience Approach, Reading performance, student, Dyslexia
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Research Paper
Relationship between Anxiety and Iranian EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension.
Amini Naghadeh Sh., Amini Naghadeh M., Amini Naghadeh N., and Aminpour H.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 5(1): 15-21, 2016; pii:S232251221600003-5
The anxiety for EFL learners that accompanies the listening comprehension (LC) task is difficult to detect, but potentially one of the most debilitating, because in order to interact verbally the listener must first understand what is being said. With the instructional emphasis on input processing, LC anxiety merits closer examination. This study investigated the correlation between Anxiety and listening comprehension skill among Iranian EFL learners. At first, a modified version of Comprehensive English Language Test was administered to a group of 82 students to determine their homogeneity as well as to assess their language proficiency. In the next phase of the study Foreign Language listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS) was modified. In the last phase of the study, the students were given a listening comprehension test consisting of two lectures to measure the listening comprehension of students. This test was designed to examine the relationship between foreign language listening anxiety and listening comprehension. The result shows anxiety and listening comprehension in English are correlated negatively.
Keyword: Listening Comprehension, Anxiety, Listening Anxiety
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