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- Category: Vol. 6 : No. 1, Mar 2017
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Volume 6 (1); March 15, 2017
Research Paper
Problem-Based Assessment: A Possible Approach to Practical Testing in the Field of Applied Linguistics.
Ansarian, L., Adlipour, A.A. & Mesgarani, M.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 6(1): 01-10, 2017; pii:S232251221700001-6
The study investigated the possibility that there may be a mismatch between students’ competency in solving real-life problems based on the subjects they study at university and their test results. In order to check the hypothesis, 46 M.A. students studying English Language Teaching were chosen in form of 3 intact classes. The researcher gauged the reliability and validity of the tests administered to the students. Next, the students were given a problem-based test which was based on real-life situations and in accordance with their course content. Moreover, the students’ opinions towards the current testing system at their university were sought using a researcher-made questionnaire. The results of the study proved that the current test results at Payame Noor University (where the study was carried out) are neither reliable nor valid. Furthermore, it was proved that students’ competency revealed through problem-based tests is way below the results they gain from the university tests. In addition, students’ attitude toward the current testing system was not positive and they believed that the system should undergo a change.
Keywords: Problem-based learning (PBL), Problem-based assessment, Test validity, Test reliability, English Language Teaching (ELT)
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Research Paper
The Importance of Chirography of Tazkerat-Al Shoara, Vaziri Library.
Kamal Aldini S.M.B.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 6(1): 11-17, 2017; pii:S232251221700002-6
The main approach of this article is to introduce Tazkerat-Al Shoarato those who are fond of Iranian culture and literature. “Tazkerat-Al Shoara” is a book about poets who lived long before the author as well as those who were still alive at the time of book being written. It has one introductory section, seven chapters, and a final ending chapter. The original handwritten version of this book is kept in Vaziry Library of Yazd under the number 2604. The name of the scriber and the date of the scrip has not been found until now.
Keywords: Correction, Tazkerat-Al Shoara, Vaziry Library, DolatshahSamarqandi
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