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- Category: Vol. 3 : No. 2, Sep 2014
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Volume 3 (2); September 15, 2014
Research Paper
Multiple Intelligences as Predictors of Resource Management and Motivational Self-Regulated Learning.
Zarei A.A. and Azin Z.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 3(2): 24-30, 2014; pii:S232251221400004-3
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between multiple intelligences and self-regulated learning components of Iranian EFL university students majoring in Teaching English and English Translation. To this end, a sample of 150 intermediate level students from Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin and Islamic Azad University in Takestan were selected. Data were gathered by means of questionnaires and were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression procedures. Results indicated that there were significant relationships between multiple intelligences and resource management self-regulated learning. However, the relationship between multiple intelligences and the motivational self-regulated learning was not statistically significant.
Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, Self- Regulation, Resource Management Self-Regulation, Motivational Self-Regulation
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Research Paper
The Effects of Phonemic plays on Reducing the Reading Errors in Boy Students with Dyslexia.
Faramarzi S. and Moradi M.R.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 3(2): 31-35, 2014; pii:S232251221400005-3
The current study was conducted with the goal of considering the effectiveness of phoneme plays on reducing the reading errors (accurate reading) on third grade elementary boy students with dyslexia. The method used was experimental and pre-experiment/post-experiment, control group scheme was also used. The statistical population for this study included all the third grade elementary boy students of the city of Esfahan. To carry out this project, 30 boy students with dyslexia were selected using multi-stage sampling and random selection method and then were divided into two groups of experiment and control. The tools used included error reading checklist and a reading and dyslexia test. The data acquired was then analyzed using the covariance analysis statistical method. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the accurate reading of the experiment and control groups with P < 0.001 significance level. Subsequently, we can conclude that phonemic plays can effectively improve reading accuracy in students with dyslexia and can be used as an educational and therapeutic method.
Keywords: Phonemic Plays, Accurate Reading, Dyslexia, Student
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