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Volume 2 (2); September 15, 2013
Research Paper
The Application of Repetition in Advertisement Translation; Its Role on Enhancing Audiences’ Memorization.
Ying Cui and Yanli Zhao
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 2(2): 29-37, 2013; pii:S232251221300005-2
Repetition is applied in advertising texts of different languages and plays a key role in emphasizing the selling point, keeping a focus, deepening audiences’ impression and enhancing their memorization, which helps to realize the final purpose of promotion. This study explores the use of repetition in the advertising discourse and the treatment of repetition in translation, referring to Chinese and English advertisements. In our investigation, we have found that Chinese and English advertising texts differ in terms of what is repeated and how it is repeated. In this research, we will analyze why these differences exist and explain the reasons of such adjustment in advertisement translation. The first section of the paper explains the research background and objectives; the second section introduces the corpus for our research; the third section describes the theoretical framework which is composed of three levels, consumer needs, communicative rules and textualization principles, which are universal across cultures, though their application is variant in specific cases; the fourth section provides a case study according to the theoretical framework; the fifth section offers inspirations for translators.
Keywords: Advertisement, Memory, Need, Repetition, Translation
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Research Paper
Does Dialog Journal Writing Have any Effect on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge?
Abdolmanafi-Rokni S.J. and Seifi Zoghi A.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 2(2): 38-42, 2013; pii:S232251221300006-2
The study was aimed to examine the effect of dialog journal writing on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge. Forty six intermediate level students from two intact classes studying English as foreign language in an English institute participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two groups; one group was considered as experimental group and the other as control group. To begin with, the two groups were homogenized by a proficiency test and then pretested by a vocabulary test. Next, the participants in the experimental group were required to write dialog journals twice a week for twenty sessions (one term). They wrote one at home and the other in the classroom, while the learners in control group receive a placebo. The findings showed that dialog journal writing had a significant effect on EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge in the experimental group. Further, it reduced anxiety of writing, improved writing quality and fluency, built community in the classroom, organized class activities, and aroused intrinsic motivation. Moreover, the participants in the experimental group perceived dialog journal writing as an effective way for language learning, especially vocabulary.
Keywords: Dialog Journal Writing; Vocabulary Knowledge; EFL Learners; Writing Proficiency
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Research Paper
The Comparison of Social Development and the Vocabulary Range of Abandoned Children Versus Normal Children Who Lived in Bandar-Abbas of Iran.
Zarei E., Askari M. and Charoomizadeh F.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 2(2): 43-47, 2013; pii:S232251221300007-2
The present study was designed to compare the vocabulary range and the social development of normal children with abandoned children who lived in Bandar Abbas. This research was a causal - comparative study. Statistical population of the study included all abandoned female and male children who lived in child care centers in Bandar Abbas. The research population included 20 children (12 males and 8 females). This population also included all non-abandoned female and male children who lived in Bandar Abbas. Due to small sample size of the statistical population, all abandoned children were selected as the population sample. The same numbers of children with the same age range as the research population were randomly selected as sample of the population. This sample was selected from the children in nurseries and primary schools who lived in Bandar Abbas. The Vayland social development questionnaire as well as Wechsler subscales vocabulary range test was used in order to collect required data of the research. The t-test on independent groups and the two-factor analysis of variance were used in order to analyze collected data of the research. The results of the study showed that social development as well as the vocabulary range of abandoned children are less than normal children (P<0.01). In addition, female children had richer vocabulary range than male children in both abandoned and normal children groups (P<0.01). However, there was no significant difference in social development variable in both female and male groups.
Keywords: The Vocabulary Range, Social Development, Abandoned Children
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