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Volume 1 (2); December 15, 2012
Research Paper
Development of Verb Use in English-As-A-Foreign-Language Primary and Secondary School Learners.
Pilar M.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 1(2): 28-35, 2012; pii:S232251221200006-1
The present paper analyses verb production in the essays of children and adolescent learners of English as a foreign language. Studies about verb production in the FL examine verb types, order of acquisition of verbs and verb types, order of production of verb types, or production of general purpose verbs. Nonetheless, attempts at exploring verb development of an English learning student population along several years are inexistent. The writings of 199 EFL learners were scrutinized twice for verb production. Data collection took place when learners were in 4th grade and four years later in grade 8. Results show that not only did older learners produce more verb tokens, they also produced more verb types and increased their production in all the measures taken. We interpret these findings as verbs playing a crucial role in linguistic, cognitive and discursive development; verbs as a reflection of learners’ inner world. Additionally, we consider the role of schooling in verb production and the difficulties of learners in producing cognates.
Key words: Verb use, EFL learners, Primary school learners, Secondary school learners, Longitudinal study
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Research Paper
The Destiny of Curriculum Theory in the Light of Postmodern Philosophy: A Case Study on Foucauldian Doctorins.
Koupal R.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 1(2): 36-41, 2012; pii:S232251221200007-1
Michel Foucault, arguing from a different standpoint, developed a relativist view of knowledge in which power and knowledge are inextricably related. Modernist curriculum thinkers argued that knowledge needs to have its roots in the disciplines and that pedagogic knowledge at its best reflects the optimum translation of this knowledge into the curriculum. For Foucault, this transcendental move to provide a foundationalist view of the curriculum is misguided in that it is not possible to have any certainty about the correctness or otherwise of how the curriculum should be constructed. Foucault understood the disciplines as discursive formations, as having no foundational status, and as being embedded in history.
Key words: Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge, Discipline, Disciplinary Power, Philosophy Of Difference, Postmodernist Curriculum Theory.
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Research Paper
How Do Language and Gender Interact? A Critical Study on the Feminist Theory of Language.
Koupal R.
Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud. 1(2): 42-48, 2012; pii:S232251221200008-1
In general, the effect of non-cognitive categories in knowledge and other categories like language is the most important problem of epistemology and so on. According to feminism, one of these categories is gender which feminists reproduced as a cultural and social meaning (not biological and physical one).This paper analyzes the feminists’ new interpretation of gender and the relationship between gender and language and the different dimensions of this relationship. According to this issue, there is a deep interaction between them especially in the contemporary feminism’s view.
Key words: Feminism, Gender, Language, Gender And Language Problem, Feminine Language.
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