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Volume 6 (2); September 15, 2017

Research Paper

ESP Textbook Analysis of Midwifery Students of Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch, Iran.

Ehsanizad, M.

Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 6(2): 18-24, 2017; pii:S232251221700003-6


Those who are involved in designing books especially course books, at any stage of designing, must be aware of psychological impact of their work on readers attitude (in this case medical students) toward the book. In this study we are going to evaluate and analyze the English for specific purposes (ESP) text book of midwifery students of Maragheh Islamic Azad University. The purpose of this research project was to determine the overall pedagogical value and suitability of the book toward this language course. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions which were examining 6 factors (practical concerns, materials in relation to course objective, subject matter, linguistic issues, skills and strategies, variety of tasks and activities, and the layout of materials) was used. There were 33 participants which were students of midwifery at Islamic Azad University of Maragheh. The finding indicated that except some minor detail, the book was appropriate for the course.
Keywords: ESP text book, Midwifery, Maragheh Islamic Azad University

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Research Paper

A New Handwriting of "Forty Positions" by Abu Said Abu al-Khair.

Kamal Aldini S.M.B.

Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 6(2): 25-29, 2017; pii:S232251221700004-6


Secrets of monothsiem is a valuable book that gives us clear information about mystical character of Abu Said Abu al-Khair. Many scholars have been able to extract clear and informative points from this book for their research, have about Abu Said Abu al-Khair's way of life. Also "expressions and words of Abu Said Abu al-Khair" is an important book that contributed to the greater understanding of emotions and moods of Abu Said Abu al-Khair. But what has long been common among experts is that Abu Said Abu al-Khair has had another work called "positions" that has existed and is gone. Although some Persian language and literature researchers including Professor Shafi'I Kadkani have carefully examined and presented many copies of this work some of which have been published, but still there is a lot more to "positions". In this paper which has been written in a descriptive and analytical method with research approach first we studied works that have introduced this book and then a rare manuscript of this valuable work will be introduced. This version starts with praising of God and then discusses forty mystical positions like nothingness, remorse, repentance, devotion, battle, etc.
Keywords: Abu Said Abu al-Khair, Positions, Forty positions

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Research Paper

The Study on Transitivity Pattern of Political Debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Ghonche Pour, M. and Zebardast, M.R.

Int. J. Appl. Ling. Stud., 6(2): 30-35, 2017; pii:S232251221700005-6


This paper has analyzed transitivity pattern of the final debate of the presidency in the United States of America. This research was based on the idea of Fairclough in 2002 that language is not only socially constitutive but also socially shaped. The significance of this analysis was that it helped to expand the Halliday (1994) functional system of language and discourse. Documentation method was used to collect a large corpora of data based on the notion of transitivity. A descriptive research in order to answer the research main questions; (a) which transitivity pattern is more frequent based on the Halliday functional model in our corpus? (b) How were the interactive effects of transitivity understood in the expanded model of Halliday? The results showed that the order of frequency of was sequenced in this way; material, relational and mental, verbal, behavioral and existential. And it was understood that with some minimal modifications, interactive effects of transitivity can be embedded in the Halliday' functional model.
Keywords: Language, Discourse, Transitivity, Ideology, Functional Model

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